Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Abbott insists striking workers back down = 2

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Abbott insists striking workers back down = 2

ACTU president Sharan Burrow said she hoped the employers would come to the table at
today's meeting.

"There'll be a range of options on the table," she told ABC television.

"There's absolute room for compromise.

"We're saying this is workers' money, it is time to think about how we put it in the
bank so it's secure in the dreadful event that a company might go bust."

Senior Labor frontbencher Bob McMullan said a national solution was needed.

"The Howard government hasn't got a proposition - we have. And if they can't solve
the problem, they ought to get out of the way for somebody who can," he told the Seven

"I think our government (the previous Labor government) should have acted earlier,
I think that's probably right.

"But what I can guarantee you is, even if the previous Labor government didn't solve
it, the next Labor government will."

AAP jb/vr/bwl


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