Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed:Temporary tax initiatives to support business, jobs: Rudd

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed:Temporary tax initiatives to support business, jobs: Rudd

Business leaders say the two billion dollars worth of tax cut initiatives in the federal
government's latest economic stimulus plan will provide a much needed shot in the arm
for business.

The tax relief is in Prime Minister KEVIN RUDD'S four-point-seven billion dollar nation
building plan announced yesterday.

It includes a temporary investment allowance of one-point-six billion dollars and a
440 million dollar reduction in February's business tax instalments.

Announcing the plan in Canberra .. Mr RUDD said it will help create 32-thousand jobs.

GREG EVANS from the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry says the new plan is
a strong response to deal with current economic circumstances.

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